News, Analysis and Opinion for the Informed Boulder Resident
Friday January 17th 2025

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Perspectives on the 2011 Boulder Election

Perspectives on the 2011 Boulder Election

Election night 2011 was full of surprises.  The fact that some of the outcomes were surprising suggests many factors influenced voter behavior, and without detailed post-election polling, explanations have been at best speculative and at worst [...]

Boulder’s New Mayor and Deputy Mayor

Boulder’s New Mayor and Deputy Mayor

At a 10:00 am special City Council meeting today, newly elected council members Suzanne Jones, Lisa Morzel, Tim Plass, George Karakehian, and Ken Wilson were sworn in at City Council chambers. Once the new council was seated, sitting Deputy Mayor [...]

Planning the Future of Downtown Boulder

Planning the Future of Downtown Boulder

On Wednesday night November 3, 2010, Boulder City Council unanimously provided direction and outlined the next steps for the South of Downtown Area (SoDA), Downtown (DT) Zone Districts, and height modifications citywide.  Community Planning and [...]

Council Passes SmartRegs

Council Passes SmartRegs

On Tuesday night, September 7, 2010, the City became the first in the nation to pass a mandatory residential energy conservation ordinance (RECO) targeted at rental housing.  The regulation, called SmartRegs, received strong support from [...]

Daily Camera: More is more

Daily Camera:  More is more

Focusing only on density as the solution to GHG gas reduction is like saying the way to make better food is just have good cookware. Sustainable development patterns are complex and require numerous ingredients to be combined in appropriate [...]

Boulder City Council Special Meeting: Board and Commission Appointments

Boulder City Council Special Meeting: Board and Commission Appointments

The City of Boulder has 19 boards and commissions (18 of which had openings this year), each with specific responsibilities as detailed in the Boulder City Charter and/or the Boulder Revised Code. City of Boulder boards and commissions are [...]

Transit Village Plan Moves Forward with Council Approval

Transit Village Plan Moves Forward with Council Approval

Never heard of the Transit Village?  See Transit Village 101. On Tuesday night (March 2, 2010), the Boulder City Council provided direction for initial implementation and funding for the Transit Village Area Plan (TVAP). David Driskell, [...]

New Resolutions

New Resolutions

By now, most of us have forgotten our New Year’s Resolutions and are consumed by the ongoing fray of our daily lives.  I write today to urge people to take on a NEW RESOLUTION that will actually make a difference- take action now to significantly [...]

Climate Action: By the Numbers

Climate Action: By the Numbers

This is the first in a series of articles that will explore the status of Boulder’s Climate Action Plan and our performance in trying to meet the Kyoto Protocol.  Over the coming weeks, we will attempt to understand the major contributors to our [...]