News, Analysis and Opinion for the Informed Boulder Resident
Sunday December 8th 2024

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Large Homes and Lots Project—Impacts from Proposed City Code Changes

Large Homes and Lots Project—Impacts from Proposed City Code Changes

The City has been involved in two projects for several months that will affect multiple zoning districts citywide (See Appendix for background). There will be substantial changes to some neighborhoods as a result. The “Use Standards and [...]

Use Standards and Table Project—Impacts from Proposed City Code Changes

Use Standards and Table Project—Impacts from Proposed City Code Changes

The City has been involved in two projects for several months that will affect multiple zoning districts citywide (See Appendix for background). There will be substantial changes to some neighborhoods as a result. The “Use Standards and [...]

PLAN-Boulder County Recommendations for the Affordable Housing Commercial Linkage Fee

PLAN-Boulder County Recommendations for the Affordable Housing Commercial Linkage Fee

The goal of the affordable housing commercial fee is to mitigate "the impact of the development of new workplace buildings (such as office, retail, hotel, industrial), and the employees that work in them, on the resulting demand for affordable [...]

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Recommendations

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Recommendations

Editor’s note: The Blue Line has been running a serialized version of PLAN-Boulder County’s A Transportation Vision for Boulder. This is the final installment: Section 5, Recommendations. To read the entire paper, start with the [...]

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Regional Transportation and Sustainable Travel

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Regional Transportation and Sustainable Travel

Editor’s note: The Blue Line has been running a serialized version of PLAN-Boulder County’s A Transportation Vision for Boulder. This installment includes Sections 3 and 4, Regional Transportation and Sustainable, Green Travel, respectively. To [...]

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Urban Design, Part 3

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Urban Design, Part 3

Editor’s note: Throughout the summer and fall we will run a serialized version of PLAN-Boulder County’s A Transportation Vision for Boulder. This is part 3 of section 2. To read the entire paper, start with the Introduction. Safety When [...]

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Urban Design, Part 2

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Urban Design, Part 2

Editor’s note: Throughout the summer and fall we will run a serialized version of PLAN-Boulder County’s A Transportation Vision for Boulder. This is part 2 of section 2. To read the entire paper, start with the Introduction. "High-speed" [...]

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Urban Design, Part 1

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Urban Design, Part 1

Editor’s note: Throughout the summer and fall we will run a serialized version of PLAN-Boulder County’s A Transportation Vision for Boulder. This is part 1 of section 2. To read the entire paper, start with the Introduction. Sizing [...]

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Economics of Transportation, Part 3

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Economics of Transportation, Part 3

Editor’s note: Throughout the summer we will run a serialized version of PLAN-Boulder County’s A Transportation Vision for Boulder. This is part 3 of section 1. To read the entire paper, start with the Introduction. Congestion, [...]

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Economics of Transportation, Part 2

A Transportation Vision For Boulder—Economics of Transportation, Part 2

Editor’s note: Throughout the summer we will run a serialized version of PLAN-Boulder County’s A Transportation Vision for Boulder. This is part 2 of section 1. To read the entire paper, start with the Introduction. Safeway parking lot [...]

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