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High Country News | Have we underestimated the West’s super-floods?

"By combing the Colorado River, the Green River and others in the Southwest for sediment deposits and other flood evidence and then carbon-dating the results, Baker has concluded the short-term record severely underestimates the size and frequency [...]
Denverite | Climate change will likely bring stronger storms and more 100-degree days to the Front Range

2013 flood extents(image from the Boulder Data Hub, source: City of Boulder) “… reports also project that storms of a half-inch of precipitation or more in one day will be more likely with continued high emissions: 16 percent more frequent by [...]
ProPublica | Boomtown, Flood Town

“…Scientists say the Harris County Flood Control District, which manages thousands of miles of floodwater-evacuating bayous and helps enforce development rules, should focus more on preserving green space and managing growth. The City of [...]
Coloradan Magazine Archives | Open space

Emeritus professors Al Bartlett, left, of physics and Lynn Wolfe (MFA’48) of fine arts stand on Boulder’s Bobolink Trail "Hordes of veterans flocked to CU to attend school on the G.I. Bill after World War II. The Bureau of Standards moved to [...]
Vox | How the sugar industry has distorted health science for more than 50 years

"The sugar industry has a long history of shaping nutrition policy in the United States, working to mask the potential risks of consuming too much of the sweet stuff." Read the entire article at Vox: How the sugar industry has distorted health [...]
Forbes | The ‘Other’ Human Influences On The Maryland Floods You May Overlook

"Urban Flooding = Increase in intensity of top 1% rain events + expanding urban impervious land cover + storm water management engineered for rainstorms of 'last century'" Read the entire article at Forbes: The 'Other' Human Influences On The [...]
NYT | Flooding in the South Looks a Lot Like Climate Change

“'If you look across all our natural disaster policies, they’re predicated on the wrong assumption that our flood risk in the future looks identical to our flood risk in the past,' he said. He said that initiatives like the National Flood [...]
Planetizen | A Paradigm Shift for Affordable Housing: Preserve What’s Left

"Most operating housing stock is safe, decent, sanitary, and habitable—and a large portion of it is operated at below-market rates," he says. "Shouldn’t a significant portion of dedicated affordable housing funds be prioritized to ensure these [...]
Citizen-Times | 5 interesting findings from Asheville bear study

"Researchers kicked off the study in the spring by catching bears using baited culvert traps — large metal containers with a doors that slam shut when a bear goes inside. Captured bears were tranquilized to allow researchers to attach the collars, [...]
NYTimes.com | In San Francisco and Rooting for a Tech Comeuppance

"For every person who moves to San Francisco, another two start commuting to work here. Traffic is down to a crawl: The average afternoon speed on the roads feeding into the highways has dropped 20 percent in the last two years. And the BART trains [...]