News, Analysis and Opinion for the Informed Boulder Resident
Wednesday February 19th 2025

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How We Got Here, in Part

How We Got Here, in Part

For newcomers, here is Al Bartlett's account of the citizens' efforts to establish Boulder's first growth boundary, back when Boulder had fewer than 40,000 people. This piece was originally posted to the Blue Line with Al's permission in [...]

The City’s Current—And Even Proposed—Development Fees Fall Far Short Of Paying for the Impacts of Growth

The City’s Current—And Even Proposed—Development Fees Fall Far Short Of Paying for the Impacts of Growth

Although the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan declares that new development should pay for its impacts on municipal facilities and services, including affordable housing, the City of Boulder currently assesses on new development only a small [...]

Ballot issue 302: Raising Barriers to Democracy

Ballot issue 302: Raising Barriers to Democracy

In this time of disaffection with government and the political process, populist ideas and candidates like Donald Trump are getting traction with promises of making broken things great again with illusory solutions.  Issue 302 fits that mold. [...]

Do Your Homework

Do Your Homework

The ballots are here and it's time to vote in the Boulder municipal election. But first, educate yourself about the who and the what. As in past elections, the Blue Line has pulled together the resources to help you do your homework before casting [...]

Look to the Blue Line for Election 2015 Coverage

Look to the Blue Line for Election 2015 Coverage

Dear Blue Line Readers, The foliage is turning, the nights are getting cooler, yard signs are popping up, and campaign fliers will soon land on your doorstep. It’s election season and the Blue Line is again bringing you the Community [...]

Comprehensive Housing Strategy Concentrates on Issues of Economic Diversity

Comprehensive Housing Strategy Concentrates on Issues of Economic Diversity

At a PLAN-Boulder forum on September 5, 2014 about the city’s Comprehensive Housing Strategy, David Driskell, Director of Community Planning and Sustainability, explained that the strategy’s overriding goal is to expand the economic diversity of [...]

Boulder’s New Utility Expected to Electrify the Town in 2015

Boulder’s New Utility Expected to Electrify the Town in 2015

At a PLAN-Boulder County forum on Friday, June 13, about the status of Boulder’s municipalization efforts, City Attorney Tom Carr estimated that the city will probably be able to start operating an electric utility by October or November of [...]

Is Boulder’s Transportation Master Plan Bold Enough?

Is Boulder’s Transportation Master Plan Bold Enough?

Boulder has admirably established an aggressive, necessary objective: The community shall achieve an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) production. Achieving this lofty goal will require adopting effective, historically significant [...]

Turning the Dream of a Community-wide Eco Pass into Reality

Turning the Dream of a Community-wide Eco Pass into Reality

Resident transit use before and after possessing an Eco Pass. Source: City of Boulder (click to enlarge) For many years, Boulder County and the City of Boulder have been offering financial incentives to businesses and neighborhoods to sign up for [...]

Trying to Create a Well Loved Place at Boulder Junction

Trying to Create a Well Loved Place at Boulder Junction

Boulder Junction existing (left) and envisioned (all images courtesy City of Boulder) At a PLAN-Boulder forum on Friday, February 28, three luminaries from the City of Boulder staff described painstaking efforts to create a welcoming place at [...]

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